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General terms

Security of commerce

KSTYLA.COM follow a very strict own trade policy. We base our rules and responsibility on the biggest internet related trading certificates from among others Safe e-commerce. This means that you can feel safe and secure when you shop from us. Our trade policy is there to protect you, the consumer. One approach is a must for stable and reputable e-shops regardless of certificates or special policy. Read more about our trade policy, and your consumer rights by click here on "Sales Policy".





All prices are incl. VAT. The invoice is sent with your delivery and you have 10-30 days to pay in peace and quiet. Please note that we never ask you for sensitive information like bank account or credit history because we use invoice. Expiration date is printed on the first page of the invoice. Payment terms and timeframe for invoices are not affected by damaged goods to be returned for warranty analysis. Invoice timeframes can however be placed on temporary hold in conjuction with returns in accordance with the return policy as well as incorrect or undelivered goods. Invoices must always be paid on time. Invoice reminders will be sent no more than 2 times with delay costs added for every reminder before being sent to dept collection where debt collection company's fees and interest will be added. Fees and interest is applied either by us or by the creditors who administers your particular debt.





We send our deliveries by post globally. If any areas in no accessible for delivery you'll be notified and your order will be canceled.  In any other case your order will be sent as a package, and may need to be retrieved from the nearest post office. If this is problematic, contact customer service at or before placing an order. Orders are shipped within 24 hours on weekdays and not on weekends or typical holidays. If information is inadequate it may delay the delivery. Fill therefore all of your information correctly when ordering so that our customer service can quickly contact you. Your order will in other cases be delivered directly to your mailbox. The some shiopments are sent by letter to your home address and is slim enough to fit in your mailbox and in most mail slots. Invoice selected pruchases will be included in the shipment. Non collected packaging is charged with 25 Euros. In the event of production problems KSTYLA.COM has the right to delay delivery.

Expenses correspond to the actual cost of return shipping, handling fee and handling. In the event of late delivery, you have every right to cancel the purchase at no cost if you do not accept a new proposed deadline. However if a shipment is already sent then a cancelation can only happen when the goods has been in delivery for at least 30 days. 




Shipping will differ depending on products and number of items you order. 



To order online

These offers are only valid for adults over 18 years. Otherwise, you need parental permission to order from us.



Right of withdrawal

You are protected by the KSTYLA.COM Distance and Doorstep Sales Act that give you the right to return any order within 14 days from the date you receive the goods. The right means that the customer has the right to cancel the purchase of the unused product, by contacting customer service. In case of return, the customer handels the return postage.  This rule also applies to international customers. 



Returns / Part-returns

You have the right to broadcast the return on unopened or unused products within 14 days after you received them. Please contact customer service before you post them. The return address is on all product boxes and return instruction will be provided once your email has arrived. When we receive the goods back and possibly stated that it is not damaged, we will refund the amount you paid for the product (not shipping). We'll not accept returns that have all been used. Any sratch or visiual usages as well as any damages associated with usage will not either be refunded. Please note any taxes or import duties must be handled by you the customer in advance. 



Undeliverd goods

We are not responsible for undelivered goods. Undelivered goods will be returned to us from the postal services as our return adress is always specified. Deliveries will sometimes be returned firstly to PTS (Post & Tele Styrelsen). If packages are not delivered we will free of charge search for packages up to 30 days. Thereafter our search will end. Undelivered goods will not affect invoice payment terms. Note invoices and online payments will not be terminated or compensated. 




KSTYLA.COM complies with applicable provisions of the Consumer Sales. It means that you have the right to complain about a product within three years, provided that the product was faulty at the time of delivery. Report any faults within a reasonable time. If there is a dispute which we do not solve together, we recommend that you contact the The National Board for Consumer Disputes (ARN). KSTYLA.COM follows their recommendations.




The customer has the right to recover the money within 30 days if he/she cancels an order from the day the company received the notice. If the company redelivers or rectification of the defect in the complaint, any shipping costs (using our postal price lists) will be refunded within 30 days from the receipt of the complained goods. 



Personal information

We treat every customer's personal data confidentially and in accordance with the Privacy Act Personal Data Act (1998: 204).




Our prices include VAT and are valid until new price list arrives.



Customer service

You can reach customer service by sending an e-mail message to or by using our contact form. Our Customer Service team has extensive experience of our products and therefore can easily answer questions about them. Welcome to ask any questions. We want you to be happy with us and our products!



Safe sales policy

KSTYLA.COM has analyzed the Swedish e-commerce requirements for proper trade and decided on to build upon the for our worldwide customers.

According to the Safe Tade E-commerce Policy, 14 requirements are to me met in order to achieve certification as a secure e-commerce store. Ther are as follows.



1. Company details

It should be clear the company / seller's full name and legal entity (if anything), company, street address, email address, telephone number (it need not be a support / customer service by phone) and fax number (if available fax number) where the consumer can make any complaints. In case the seller is acting on behalf of another shall also principal corresponding information be provided. If you have special opening hours for its customer service, these times clearly stated on the website.



2. Seller's customer service and availability

Seller should answer questions from consumers via email within 48 hours from the time the request is received *. If the question can not be answered within 48 hours, the consumer should be notified of this within 48 hours and now recommended communicate the reason for the delay when the consumer's question can be answered. It is unreasonable to refer the consumer to the phone with an increased tariff for making contact with the seller after the contractual agreement and to finish a contract. It does not apply before a contract is concluded. It should however be clear and understandable for an increased tariff payable at call or via distance communication.


* (Only applies to requests relating to actual purchases or orders and during the weekdays, the answer must be personal).



3. The consumer's right to recieve help

The consumer has the right to appeal directly to the vendor for help with complaints, withdrawal and other assistance relating to purchase or order even if the seller does not provide goods or services. This means that the Safe e-commerce puts high demands on the seller's customer service.



4. Product and total expenses

4.1 Product

It should be clear about the product / service can not be used in Sweden. Product or service's main characteristics should be fully described and available before a purchase contract concluded between the buyer and the seller. Characteristics to be particularly stressed to the purchaser on the website before purchase. Information about the function of the digital content must be provided, including technological protection measures and the hardware and software required to use the digital content. Safe e-commerce recommend that you get linked back to the product page by clicking on an item in the checkout.


4.2 Total Price

The consumer should be able to see what the total price is - including VAT and other taxes, fees and total delivery costs. VAT need not be specified at checkout, however, on the order confirmation or receipt. Seller shall specify the period during which the offer is valid and whether the item is in stock or if it can be delivered according to specified terms in close proximity to the goods.


If the agreement includes a commitment that is not completed through a purchase should conditions be clearly and understandably stated. The consumer shall receive the whole article which means that it is not allowed to be paid additional fees for something that naturally perceived as the whole article. The consumer should also understand that he/she is liable. In connection with the buy button, there should be a text. Sample text: "By making this purchase you agree to the terms and conditions". Buy button will be called "buy," "performs purchase" or "complete purchase".



5. Delivery

The consumer shall be informed at the time of purchase on the delivery time. Unless otherwise specified, the consumer is to recieve their order no later than within 30 days. If the company can not deliver within the agreed time, the consumer shall without undue delay be informed of the reason for the delay and informed of a new delivery date. The company can not fix the error within a reasonable time, the consumer the right to cancel the purchase. This also applies to special orders. You get that business does not exonerate itself from liability for delays in delivery.

Is there a minimum order value of the order shall also be indicated in the initial stage of the order process (the main page). In case the seller requires a deposit to be clear conditions for the informed.

It will be sent a confirmation by e-mail or letter within a reasonable time with the Terms from time of purchase. There is not the consumer to carry out detective work to obtain conditions that were current at the time of purchase.



6. Refunds

6.1 Repayment - deadline

The consumer has the right to recover the money at the right of withdrawal within 14 days from the day the company received the returned product. Consumers can, however, have to wait until the product has been returned or until the consumer has provided proof that the product has been returned, what ever happens first.


6.2 Repayment - Conditions

Repayment shall be made with the same method of payment for the purchase. The entire amount will be refunded, including shipping, taxes and fees. Consumers are responisble for return shipping. Exceptions should be informed regarding refunds for withdrawal, return and refund of the shipping costs. Safe e-commerce applies the same rules for reimbursement in case of cancellation of the purchase and the complaint that the remorse. It should be clear if it is required that the consumer must accept another payment solution for repentance / return / complaint. 


6.3 Repayment shipping cost Claims

If the company redelivers or rectification of the defect in the complaint, any shipping costs will be refunded within 14 days from the receipt of the complained goods. Returned goods and repayment shall be made without undue delay.



7. Right of withdrawal

The consumer should be informed of the rules applicable to withdrawal and its conditions, and the name and address to which consumers can turn to. Details and a link to the standard form should be. The consumer shall be entitled to open the packaging to check that and how the product works within reasonable limits, the product must not be or seem used. In the case of damage that's in line within the warranty policy for a specific product, Bovio only accepts a withdrawl after unsuccessful repairs or replacement of the product in question of which the company has up 30 days to complete. It should be clear to what extent the seller can reduce the price for impairment. Consumer can not demand withdrawal once a product has been used. 

The consumer has the unconditional right to return, it is therefore essential that the information is clear.


It should be clear what goods are exempt from the right of withdrawal.

For sales of services, the consumer is entitled to exercise the right of withdrawal from the date on which the purchase agreement is entered into. If the service has begun before the withdrawal period (14 days) has expired, the company shall inform the consumer that the consumer may have to pay a proportionate share of the work done at the time when the consumer regret their purchase. In the event the seller deficiencies in their information concerning the right of withdrawal, this may be extended to 1 year.



8. Complaints & Seller Warranty

8.1 Terms for complaints

The consumer should be informed of what applies to the complaint and the name and address to which consumers can turn to. The consumer has the right to complain about a product or service if the product or service characteristics deviate from the agreed or imposed by law. The consumer has three years warranty under the Consumer Sales. 2 months are always considered as a reasonable time of notification. The consumer shall be replaced for any shipping charges and other expenses incurred in connection with the complaint, such as petrol costs, parking charges, telephone charges and the like.


8.2 Warranty and service commitments

The terms of any guarantee that the seller grants should be clear. Other service commitments that apply after the purchase should be clear.


8.3 ARN and codes of conduct

Safe e-commerce certified companies promise to follow Consumer Complaints Board recommendations. The consumer shall be informed of codes, what they mean and where to find what is required of the seller.



9. manuals

A product shall be accompanied by the instructions in physical or digital form that allow consumers to use the product, normally the manual be in Swedish.



10. Sales to minors

The seller may not enter into agreements with minors (under 18 years) without parental consent.



11. Financial Security

The seller must be able to demonstrate financial stability and creditworthiness. This will be checked regularly by an independent party.



12. Payment Solutions

It should be clear what kind of payment options available, what these mean, and what restrictions are in force every payment solution. This information should consumers find the initial stage of the order process.

If the seller or a third party manages card information or information for direct transmission, the party handling the data meet the requirements of PCI DSS. The seller must also use technology that allows the identification of the cardholder. An SSL Certificate is required by law to accept card payments through a website. Examples of secure identification is when the payment solution uses either the Secure Code, CVC code on the card's reverse side or tex step authentication with the help of the PIN code to the mobile phone.

If the vendor stores the personal data of the consumer's consent is requested, the personal data will be protected from external intrusion and handled according to the provisions of the Personal Data Act.



13. The web page design

It should be transparent and accessible to the target audience.

There must be a tab or similar information about payment solutions and possible supply constraints on the front and / or at any place where the consumer buying process normally starts. Safe e-commerce believes that the tab should be in the header or in the footer of this is "out-screen" all the time. Examples of what the tab may be called "payment and delivery", "payment- and delivery information" or "payments and delivery" tab to link to current inforamtion conditions recommended are gathered in one place, making it easy for the consumer.



14. Special requirements for subscriptions

If the agreement includes a commitment that is not completed by a single purchase, but runs on for a long time, the customer must be informed of the contract and the conditions for terminating the agreement. The information should also be provided if the agreement is valid until further notice or is renewed automatically. It must be specified when the client at the earliest can terminate the agreement and thus the shortest period of validity of the customer's contractual obligations.



Personal data

How KSTYLA.COM uses your personal data confidentiality. Our website uses cookies for statistics.


Personal information

KSTYLA.COM treat all personal information we receive from you, the customer, in accordance with the Privacy Act Personal Data Act (1998: 204).



Privacy Act

The purpose of the Personal Data Act is to protect people from having their privacy violated by the processing of personal data. Here you can read the actual text of the Privacy Act (opens in new window).




KSTYLA.COMs site uses cookies. They are used only in statistical purposes, and collected anonymously, in order to improve the site based on your interests.


According to the Electronic Communications Act, which entered into force on 25 July 2003, everyone who visits a website with cookies should be informed about: the website containing cookies what these cookies are used for how cookies can be avoided.



What is a cookie?

A cookie is a small file sent to your computer from a web site the first time you visit the site. It is stored on your computer so that the website will recognize your computer during visits. The information stored in the cookie contains no personal information, such as names, email addresses or other information that can be linked to a specific person.


A cookie is like an electronic business card that is unique to your computer. Its job is to notify the site when you return. Cookies are not the same as viruses. A cookie is just a text file and will not harm your computer in any way. The cookie can not start the program contains no viruses and can not destroy other information in the visitor's computer. Cookies are therefore not harmful.



What are cookies used for?

Cookies are used to improve and simplify the visitor, and partly for statistics on the use of web pages. Most sites, especially online stores, uses cookies. With the help of cookies, your Web will know how often you visit it, which helps the company determine what interests you. In this way, the material can be better aligned to your interests.


Have you ever placed an item in a shopping cart in an online store, visited the site again a few days later and the object has been left? It is an example of how cookies work. With the help of cookies, you can store your interest in targeting and user names, register products and services, and personalize pages.



What are Web beacons?

Web beacons are small graphic images used for sending anonymous statistics about the site to a statistical tool, which tells how the site is used. Graphic images are invisible to the visitor and is read only tool, as an anonymous statistical data.



KSTYLA.COM use of cookies and web beacons

KSTYLA.COM use both a text-cookie that is stored in your computer for one year, and a session cookie that exists for twenty minutes while you visit the site, then it disappears. KSTYLA.COM only use cookies to see how the site is used, and what visitors find interesting on the site - that is, for anonymous data collection.


To collect data, we use statistical tool Google Analytics, with cookies and web beacons. Data collection is anonymous, but you still have the option to refrain from sending data from your visit.



Different kinds of cookies

Text Cookies: A text cookie is a small file that allows a website to recognize the visitor at the next appointment. An example of this is if the visitor chooses to save their password on a Web page that requires logon to easily log in again. The cookie stores as an ID for visitor. Textcookien contain any personal information such as names, email addresses or other information that can be linked to a specific person. A web page can only read cookies that it itself created.


Session cookies: In order for a website to be able to distinguish the different visitors on the page is used as session cookies. This cookie is stored in your computer's memory only while the visitor has the browser open. Cookie creates a unique identity for the visitor as long as he remains on the site. Then it is removed.



Deny Cookies

If you want, you can turn off the cookie function in your browser. To do this, enter the security settings in your browser. However, it may mean that you can not use certain services on different websites. If you are unsure how to do so, contact your support or local computer retailer.


Read more about the law and about cookies on the PTS website (opens in new window).



Internet advertising

KSTYLA.COM included running contracts or partnerships with advertising server companies, which at the click of advertising will be placed cookies on the customer's terminal equipment to record the use of advertising.


Third party vendors, including Google, show our ads on sites on the internet. Third party vendors, including Google, use cookies to serve ads based on a user's prior visits to our website.


Users can opt out of Google's use of cookies for advertising. You can unsubscribe as below:


Google advertising through cookies: Users can opt out of Google's use of cookies for advertising by visiting the Google advertising and privacy page: (opens in new window). Cookies from all participating advertisers: Users can opt out of third-party advertising through cookies from a wide range of advertising services, including Google, by visiting the Network Advertising Initiative's Opt-Out page by clicking here (opens in new window).

Persona data
Safe Sales Policy
Anchor 1

Privacy & Safety

I’m a privacy & safety policy section. I’m a great place to inform your customers about how you use, store, and protect their personal information. Add details such as how you use third-party banking to verify payment, the way you collect data or when will you contact users after their purchase was completed successfully.


Your user’s privacy is of the highest importance to your business, so take the time to write an accurate and detailed policy. Use straightforward language to gain their trust and make sure they keep coming back to your site!

Wholesale Inquiries

I’m a wholesale inquiries section. I’m a great place to inform other retailers about how they can sell your stunning products. Use plain language and give as much information as possible in order to promote your business and take it to the next level!


I'm the second paragraph in your wholesale inquiries section. Click here to add your own text and edit me. It’s easy. Just click “Edit Text” or double click me to add details about your policy and make changes to the font. I’m a great place for you to tell a story and let your users know a little more about you.

Payment Methods

Payment Methods

  • Credit / Debit Cards


  • Offline Payments

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